Why Athletic Scholarships Are Unfair

Category : Shoes

Why Athletic Scholarships Are Unfair. "I think these scholarships are unfair because academically, a non-athletic person may be a higher achiever, and if colleges are about scholarly pursuit and higher education, then that should be rewarded over athletics," said senior Niamh Grunfeld. The majority of football players on scholarship, are going to public state schools, that anyone can get into.

Scholarship Essay Scholarships And Grants
Scholarship Essay Scholarships And Grants (Johanna Colon)

First, some students whose parents do well financially dont see a dime from them for college, but the student has to use their parents income to determine how much grant/scholarship money they get. "I think these scholarships are unfair because academically, a non-athletic person may be a higher achiever, and if colleges are about scholarly pursuit and higher education, then that should be rewarded over athletics," said senior Niamh Grunfeld. Fast forward to high school years and peo.

My problem with the system is the financial aid based on parents income for most students.

For those who believe these are just kid sports and no one is really getting hurt, just look to the number of female athletes who are disadvantaged in college recruitment and scholarships.

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The head coaches in the five major college athletic conferences earn more than their schools spend on all athletic scholarships combined, according to a CNNMoney analysis of data from the. But some white students complain they're having a hard time finding. According to star.txstate.edu, it would be really unfair to the other students.

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