Will Ankle Brace Help Swollen Ankle. Compress your ankle with a brace or bandage to help reduce swelling. Learn more about the causes of swollen ankles, including lymphedema, pregnancy, cellulitis, and blood clots, here.
Blood circulation will be improved while reducing inflammation and speeding up the plantar fasciitis healing process. Use a brace or bandage only as directed. Ace braces could also come in handy in preventing movement of the ankle which will help in healing the bruises.
If you have an injury with swelling, the ankle support brace can reduce the swollen area by allowing more lymph fluids and blood to flow to it.
Compression socks can reduce and prevent varicose veins from forming.
Compress your ankle with a brace or bandage to help reduce swelling. Ace braces could also come in handy in preventing movement of the ankle which will help in healing the bruises. To reduce swelling, elevate your ankle above the level of your heart, especially at night.