Canfield Book 1903 Springfield. It is not, however all inclusive, and several areas were covered in much more detail than others. He goes on to say that with books like.
There are differences of opinion, sometimes quite vociferous, as to which is the better weapon. Beware that there are different types of Springfield stocks ( S with grooves, S w/o grooves, C and scant) so I would do your homework before you buy one. He goes on to say that with books like.
I collected C&R rifles for a long time and the best advice I ever received was "buy the book before you buy the gun".
Harrison and on the inside rear cover of the book Arsenal of Freedom, Brophy.
Bruce is an internationally recognized Historian and long time collector of U. Beware that there are different types of Springfield stocks ( S with grooves, S w/o grooves, C and scant) so I would do your homework before you buy one. Its extreme popularity down the years has lent this gun a romance that has lingered to the present.